Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
We're convinced that the evaluation of a clinical results starts from the awareness of the dosage at which a specific drug is administered.
In the case of cellular therapies, specifically in the Platelet Rich Plasma products, healthcare professionals should be aware of the characteristics of the blood components they're adopting, making sure of how many platelets, white blood cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and red blood cells they're delivering to the patient.
It's also essential that the medical device used guarantee a consistency both for intra-individual and inter-individual procedures.
For the reasons expressed before, Meti Biosolutions only distributes PRP medical devices able provide guarantees to its customers, putting at first place the quality over the quantity, patients' results and therefore their satisfaction.

DSM Biomedical PRP System
Small and lightweight (1360g) system able to process 30cc (27 ml of whole blood + 3 ml ACD-A) or 60cc (54 cm of whole blood + 6 ml ACD-A) in only 2.5 minutes, guaranteeing a high reproducibility of the final product obtained for the achievement of consistency in clinical outcomes.
Monocytes / Granulocytes ratio inversion
The DSM Biomedical PRP system guarantees a recovery of 85% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC's), therefore achieving an extended release of growth factors and a capability of cellular differentiation in fibroblast and endothelial cells lineages.Il sistema DSM Biomedical PRP garantisce un recupero dell'84% di cellule mononucleate da sangue periferico (PBMC's) che garantisce un prolungato rilascio di fattori di crescita oltre che ad una capacità di differenziamento in fibroblasti e cellule endoteliali.


The optimal interaction between the components characterizing the final product obtained at the end of the processing shows an high efficiency in the release of cytokines from platelets.
[...] the key issue in platelet concentrate technologies is not the quantity of platelets, but how platelet, leukocytes, fibrin and growth factors are interlinked in the final product. A strict quantitative approach does not allow to define the biological signature and mechanisms of a family of platelet concentrates. The approach must be qualitative. PRPs and PRFs are not pharmaceutical preparations with a simple and clear composition, they are living tissues which properties are dependent on the combination of cells,factors and matrix within the final preparation [...]
M DOHAN EHRENFEST, David, et al. Do the fibrin architecture and leukocyte content influence the growth factor release of platelet concentrates? An evidence-based answer comparing a pure platelet-rich plasma (P-PRP) gel and a leukocyte-and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF). Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 2012, 13.7: 1145-1152
The consistency in the performances between one procedure to another is guaranteed.
A low coefficient of variability in the final product confirms to the specialist a greater consistency in the clinical outcomes achieved.